JPNIC Translated Document

Source document: jpnic/dns-info.txt
Date of the source: December 20, 1993
Date of the last update of this translation: February 14, 1996

This is a translation of a JPNIC document. JPNIC provides this
translation for convenience of those who can not read Japanese. But it
may contain mis-tranlations, and is by no means official. One should
consult the source document written in Japanese for detail.

This is a JPNIC open document and all copyrights of this document are
with the Japan Network Information Center.  Anybody can obtain a JPNIC
open document from JPNIC by merely paying the mailing costs.  Further,
anybody can freely reproduce, copy, or redistribute this document 
provided this copyright notice is also reproduced at the same time. 

		Japan Network Information Center
		Mansui Bldg. 3F, 2-9-18, Kanda-Surugadai,
		Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101, Japan

                    JPNIC DNS MANAGEMENT GROUP
                        December 20, 1993 

Name servers in an IP network play a very important role in searching
the IP address from the host name and determining the distribution path
of the e-mail.  After the setting of the name server within the domain
is completed, it is necessary to register it in the name server of the
higher domains.

The period of validity of this document shall be until March 31, 1994.
However, this does not guarantee that there will be no changes in the
contents of this document.  The latest version of this document will be
sent back upon receiving a mail (which can be empty) to 


-The application for registering the domain name ???.JP (AC.JP, AD.JP,
 CO,JP, GO,JP, OR.JP, or a geographic domain) in a name server or the
 application for registering the IP network in the reverse indexing
 name server (???.???.IN-ADDR.ARPA) is made by completing the JPNIC
 registration form (entering the respective domain information, network 
 information, and the host information of the hosts that are addressed
 from them) and sending it to 
 Refer to the document "The Method of Filling in the JPNIC Registration
 Form" for the method of completing the JPNIC registration form.
 The latest version of "The Method of Filling in the JPNIC Registration
 Form" will be sent back upon receiving a mail (which can be empty) to 

-It is possible to register in a "Domestic Nameserver" only a domain
 name and an IP network whose connection has been permitted by any
 JPNIC Member Network Project.  Any domain name and IP network registered
 in the name server will be deleted from the name server when they no
 longer satisfy this condition. 

-It is possible to register in a "Internet Nameserver" only a domain
 name and an IP network whose connection has been permitted by any
 JPNIC Member Network Project having an international line.  Any domain
 name and IP network registered in the name server will be deleted from
 the name server when they no longer satisfy this condition.  However, 
 this restriction does not apply when the organization itself has an
 international line.  

-For a JP domain name, it is not possible to set only a Internet name
 server without setting a domestic name server.

-The actual registration in a name server will be made within five
 working days after the report is issued of the completion of
 registration in the JPNIC database from  However,
 the setting may take a little more time for the registration of some
 IP networks in a Internet name server because the necessary information
 is sent from JPNIC to InterNIC.

-No report of completion of name server setting is made other than the
 report of completion of registration in the datebase.  Confirm whether
 the applied information has actually been set in the name server by
 searching the primary server using the nslookup command.  The primary 
 servers are the following:

     Domain name for domestic nameserver :
      IP address for domestic nameserver :

     Domain name for Internet nameserver : 
      IP address for Internet nameserver :
					     (for the nameservers
					      in the list given below)
					     (for all other name servers) 

     * The list of IP addresses that are set in the Internet
       nameserver in 
		133.0 - 133.255
		192.50.0 - 192.50.255
		192.218.0 - 192.218.255
		192.244.0 - 192.244.255
		202.11.0 - 202.11.255
		202.13.0 - 202.13.255
		202.15.0 - 202.19.255
		202.23.0 - 202.26.255
		202.32.0 - 202.35.255
		202.48.0 - 202.48.255
		202.248.0 - 202.255.255

-All inquiries regarding the procedure of registering name servers and
 the current status of processing the registration applications should
 be sent to 


-Before setting a name server within a domain, read through at least
 the manual of the name server and the document  "Name Servers and
 Their Setting" or Chapter 5 of "WIDE Operation Guide (WIDE TR001)",
 or else, any documents equivalent to them prepared by each organization.
 It is preferable to read also the related RFC.  The former documents
 can be obtained from as -ftp/netinfo/jp-named.doc
 and the latter can be obtained from as
 Further, note that the contents of the document "Name Servers and
 Their Setting" may have become outdated.

-As a rule, there should be a secondary server for each domain.In case
 there is no machine within the local domain appropriate for making it
 as the secondary server, it may be possible in some cases to make a
 machine of a connected NOC to take that role of a secondary server.
 Consult the technical contact of the connected NOC. 

-Once the registration in a name server has been completed, the E-mail
 from a large number of machines will be reaching directly.  It is
 necessary to check whether the E-mail is reaching correctly for some
 time after the setting is made in the name server. 
 As a rule, JPNIC sets the requested contents in the same form unless
 there is no impropriety in those contents.  It is the responsibility
 of the organization requesting the setting if there is any E-mail
 lost due to any incorrectness of the data within the name server in
 which the setting was requested.  Consult the technical contact of the
 NOC if you are not confident of the contents of name server setting.

-The name servers that can search for foreign information should be
 secondary servers of JP and IN-ADDR.ARPA.  Although there are other
 methods available, they are not recommended. In addition, when setting
 the unauthorized secondary servers of JP and IN-ADDR.ARPA, try to take
 the data from the nearest name server.  Each NOC is provided with a
 machine for this purpose (see the reference information given below).
 For JP, it is possible to specify as a secondary server either a
 domestic and Internet merge server or a purely domestic server.
 For IN-ADDR.ARPA, it is necessary to specify a domestic and Internet
 merge server as the secondary server.

-List only the purely domestic servers given in the reference information
 in root.  cache of the name servers that can only search for domestic

-It is convenient to enter the network name in the PTR record and the
 subnet mask in the A record of the entry equivalent to an All 0 host
 field of the reverse indexing name server.  Try to make this type of
 entries as far as possible.

-When there are lower level domains in the E-mail delivery route, it is
 also necessary to make the settings for those domains in the name servers.
 The contents of such settings will consist of only the MX record, the
 SOA record, and the NS record specifying the E-mail gateway. 

Domestic and Internet Merge Servers: 
Machine name                    IP Address    NOC Name

Purely Domestic Servers:
Machine name                    IP Address    NOC Name

	*When there is any addition or alteration in the contents 
	of the above reference information, send the new information 